First Law Wiki


A wiki about Joe Abercrombie's The First Law series, where anyone can edit any of the 808 articles created since June 2011. CAUTION: Contains spoilers, so read on at your own peril!!

First Law Film
The First Law
Logen Ninefingers
Circle of the World

First Law Film

Best Served Cold is officially getting a film adaptaion.

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The First Law

Learn everything about the fantasy series

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Logen Ninefingers

“There are few men with more blood on their hands than me.”

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Circle of the World

Explore the new map of the world where the story takes place

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First Law Film
The First Law
Logen Ninefingers
Circle of the World


He had tried, too little and too late, to make something of himself. The result was two hundred corpses gibbetted on the road to Valbeck and a dismissive note.
— Orso dan Luthar


Arch Lector Sult is the ruthless head of the King's Inquisition, and one of the most powerful men in The Union. He always wears an immaculate long white robes with a high collar, white gloves, and a ring with a huge purple stone. The Arch Lector despises commoners, and is fanatically devoted to maintaining what he sees as the natural order with the nobility on top, and is furious that common peasants have the cheek to demand any sort of rights. He loathes the merchant class in particular, like the Guild of Mercers, seeing commoners getting rich and challenging the nobles. This leads to a bitter rivalry with his colleague on the Closed Council, High Justice Marovia, a champion of the common man. They lead competing factions on the Closed Council that viciously fight over every subject, no matter how small.

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Joe Abercrombie is the author of the fantasy series The First Law. He was born and raised in Lancaster, England, and has worked as a freelance film editor.

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