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Long Live the King is the sixty-fifty chapter of A Little Hatred.

Chapter Summary[]

Prince Orso1 is woken in the night by noises in the hall. Then Queen Terez opens his bedroom door, and leads him to his father’s bedchamber, where there's a press of people. The crowd parts to reveal High King Jezal the First2 lying naked in bed with scant dignity, as the royal physician examines him, and pronounces him dead. Orso feels a heavy hand on his shoulder, and turned to see the First of the Magi, who says with almost the ghost of a smile, “Long live the king.3


Introduced Appeared Mentioned
Orso dan Luthar Sand dan Glokta Rikke
Queen Terez Bremer dan Gorst
Jezal dan Luthar Lord Chamberlain Hoff

Locations and Terms[]

Adua The Union


  1. If traumatizing our hero once can earn the reader's sympathy, then why not lay trauma after trauma on them like a falling row of dominoes? Prince Orso's lover is captured by the Breakers, so he rides out to save her, and negotiates a peaceful resolution. Then the rebels are executed with nobody bothering to check with him, so the common people consider him a mass murders. Then his lover breaks up with him, giving him no explanation and leaving him miserable. Then his father dies, leaving him stuck with a crown he doesn't want.
  2. RIP Jezal. A rather unexpected death. Could there be foul play here?
  3. We are left with perhaps two major mysteries left from the novel: who is the Weaver behind the Breakers? and Rikke's vision "a wolf eat the Sun, a lion eat the wolf, a lamb eat the lion, an owl eat the lamb":
    • There are two main clues about the Weaver. Rikke's vision, "I saw a bald weaver with a purse that never emptied" and Malmer's description, "Like a priest who’d had God turn up to his service." The former hints at Bayaz, and it's just a safe bet that he is behind everything. The latter perhaps hints at Khalul. My top suspect is Glokta, because Pike interrupting Malmer's interview was just too suspicious. Glokta is the original weaver, and Savine becomes his successor (bald with a purse that never emptied).
    • In Rikke's vision the lamb could be Logen Ninefingers, though more likely Prince Orso, who is called the lamb by the crowd during the triumph. The owl could be anyone. Perhaps Rikke with the Long Eye, or Bayaz always watching, or even Broad with his glasses.
A Little Hatred

Part 1

▪ 1. Blessings and Curses ▪ 2. Where the Fight's Hottest ▪ 3. Guilt Is a Luxury ▪ 4. Keeping Score ▪ 5. A Little Public Hanging ▪ 6. The Breakers ▪ 7. The Answer to Your Tears ▪ 8. Young Heroes ▪ 9. The Moment ▪ 10. Break What They Love ▪ 11. It Was Bad ▪ 12. A Sea of Business ▪ 13. Fencing with Father ▪ 14. Fencing with Father II ▪ 15. Promises ▪ 16. A Blow for the Common Man ▪ 17. Knowing the Arrow ▪ 18. Biding Time, Wasting Time ▪ 19. The Bigger They Are ▪ 20. Questions ALH ▪ 21. The Machinery of State ▪ 22. Sore Spots
A Little Hatred

Part 2

▪ 23. Full of Sad Stories ▪ 24. Surprises ▪ 25. The Lion and the Wolf ▪ 26. No Unnecessary Sentiment ▪ 27. Friends Like These ▪ 28. Sinking Ships ▪ 29. Welcome to the Future ▪ 30. The Little People ▪ 31. Something of Ours ▪ 32. The Man of Action ▪ 33. Ugly Business ▪ 34. In the Mirror ▪ 35. A Deal ▪ 36. The New Monument ▪ 37. All Equal ▪ 38. Young Men's Folly ▪ 39. The Party's Over ▪ 40. Eating Peas with a Sword ▪ 41. The Battle of Red Hill ▪ 42. Settle This Like Men
A Little Hatred

Part 3

▪ 43. Demands ▪ 44. Taking the Reins ▪ 45. A Fool's Weapon ▪ 46. Hopes and Hatreds ▪ 47. Where Names Are Made ▪ 48. The Poor Pay the Price ▪ 49. The New Woman ▪ 50. Lost Causes ▪ 51. The New Man ALH ▪ 52. Two of a Kind ▪ 53. Empty Chests ▪ 54. Like Rain ▪ 55. Drinks with Mother ▪ 56. Drinks with Mother II ▪ 57. Questions ALH2 ▪ 58. Civilisation ▪ 59. A Natural ▪ 60. Good Times ▪ 61. A Bit About Courage ▪ 62. Substitutes ▪ 63. No Expense Spared ▪ 64. My Kind of Bastard ▪ 65. Long Live the King