First Law Wiki

You do not know me, old fool pink with a dirty beard. Do not pretend to understand me, or to know what I know, or what I have been offered. Why should I prefer the word of one old liar over another? Take your birds and keep your nose to your own business, then we will have no quarrel. The rest is wasted breath.

The Rest is Wasted Breath is the thirtieth chapter in Before They Are Hanged.

Chapter Summary[]

Ferro and her companions continue their journey toward Aulcus through a changing landscape, now filled with rises and hidden troughs. The grass has become short and dry, and patches of barren earth appear, reminding Ferro of the Badlands. The land seems dead, and Ferro is uneasy about the potential dangers that could be hiding in the new terrain. They notice a lone bird in the sky, which Ninefingers remarks is the first they've seen in two days. Ferro expresses her discontent with their current situation, wishing to be somewhere where she could fight Gurkish. Ninefingers humorously mentions that they have nowhere better to be, which Ferro disagrees with.

Their conversation shifts to their personal circumstances, with Ninefingers admitting that he has nothing but enemies waiting for him back in the North. Ferro, who has grown accustomed to Ninefingers and appreciates his reliability, inquires why he isn't fighting his enemies. Ninefingers reflects on how fighting has brought him nothing but an evil reputation and a multitude of foes. He mentions that vengeance, though momentarily satisfying, doesn't provide lasting contentment. Their exchange highlights their differing outlooks on life, with Ferro having a more cynical and guarded perspective, while Ninefingers seems to have a more reflective and possibly regretful stance.

Ferro then distances herself from the group, preferring the honesty of silence over conversation. She notices a change in Luthar, who now thanks her for changing his dressings, which she finds unsettling. She dislikes the idea of forming friendships as they often lead to disappointment or betrayal. The camaraderie growing among the group, especially the laughter shared between Luthar and Ninefingers, irks her. She reminisces about the time when no one liked each other, finding comfort in the familiarity of distrust and disliking the unknown, which now seems to be creeping into their dynamics.

Ferro and her companions stumble upon a battlefield filled with corpses, a sight that even Ferro, who is accustomed to death, finds overwhelming. The dead bodies are scattered around, stripped of their armor, weapons, and clothing, making it impossible to identify who they were or which side they fought for. They notice a broken pillar with a large black bird perched on top, and a dead man leaning against it, holding a broken staff, possibly a flagstaff, which Ferro finds foolish as flags hold no practical value in battle.

As they ponder over who might have been involved in the massacre, Ferro estimates that the battle occurred about two days ago based on the condition of a corpse she examines. Ninefingers points out the odd absence of flies and the strange behavior of the birds that aren't feasting on the bodies. Suddenly, a wild-looking man, described as a tall pink with ragged clothing and a gnarled staff, approaches them across the battlefield. The birds flock to him, some settling on his shoulders, indicating a peculiar connection between the man and the birds.

Ferro reaches for her bow, ready to defend, but Bayaz stops her, recognizing the man as another Magus named Zacharus. The new arrival is ecstatic to see Bayaz, expressing his disbelief and honor in meeting "The First of the Magi." He mentions having heard of Bayaz's arrival from the birds, fish, and beasts, emphasizing his connection to nature. He also points out that they are on the borders of the dead land, a place avoided by animals unless forced to come.

Bayaz greets Zacharus, albeit with a lack of enthusiasm, as per Ferro's observation, and comments on his good health. Ferro remains cautious, stepping back to avoid any potential threat from the birds, especially the one perched on Zacharus's staff. Bayaz and Zacharus engage in a heated discussion about their past actions and the current perilous situation unfolding due to Khalul's growing strength. Zacharus reveals that the massacre at the battlefield was the work of his charge, young Emperor Goltus, who defeated his rival brother Scario's forces. He mentions Goltus's intent to lay siege to the city of Darmium to overthrow a madman named Cabrian, hoping for peace thereafter.

Bayaz, however, is skeptical about the notion of peace, hinting at the larger threat posed by Khalul. Zacharus recognized young Malacus Quai, but notices how he talks a lot less than he used to.1 Bayaz informs Zacharus how Ferro "has the blood" and Logen's ability to speak with the spirits. The conversation shifts to the whereabouts and actions of other Magi, with Zacharus offering his alliance against Khalul instead of continuing with their journey. Bayaz rebuffs the offer, reminiscing about past failures to unite the Magi and stop Khalul's madness. The discussion becomes more intense as Zacharus accuses Bayaz of seeking dangerous power, referencing past squabbles with Khalul and his controversial relationship with the Maker's daughter, Tolomei.

Bayaz remains resolute in his quest to stop Khalul, dismissing Zacharus's warnings about the evil power he seeks to harness. Zacharus then turns to Ferro, warning her about the dangers she's being led into, but Ferro dismisses him, asserting her allegiance to Bayaz's cause. The tension between Bayaz and Zacharus reflects their deep-seated disagreements and the grave risks associated with the power Bayaz seeks. As the group departs, leaving Zacharus behind, they venture into the dead land towards the ruins of Aulcus.


Introduced Appeared Mentioned
Zacharus Ferro Maljinn Goltus Glustrod
Logen Ninefingers Scario Kanedias
Bayaz Cabrian Juvens
Jezal dan Luthar Euz Tolomei
Malacus Quai Khalul Cawneil
Leru Karnault
Anselmi Brokentooth

Locations and Terms[]

The Old Empire Aulcus Order of the Magi Darmium Gurkhul The Seed
The First Law Eaters The Second Law Devil-blood


  1. Zacharus’ reaction to Malacus Quai is interesting. It’s been quite a personality shift for the young man, but Bayaz seemingly hasn’t noticed until someone else points it out.

Chapters in The First Law
The Blade Itself

Part 1

Prologue: The End ▪ 1. The Survivors ▪ 2. Questions ▪ 3. No Choice at All ▪ 4. Playing With Knives ▪ 5. Teeth and Fingers ▪ 6. The Wide and Barren North ▪ 7. Fencing Practice ▪ 8. The Morning Ritual ▪ 9. First of the Magi ▪ 10. The Good Man ▪ 11. On the List ▪ 12. An Offer and a Gift ▪ 13. The King of the Northmen ▪ 14. A Road Between Two Dentists ▪ 15. Flatheads ▪ 16. The Course of True Love ▪ 15. How Dogs are Trained ▪ 16. Tea and Vengeance
The Blade Itself

Part 2

▪ 17. What Freedom Looks Like ▪ 18. The King’s Justice ▪ 19. Means of Escape ▪ 20. Three Signs ▪ 21. The Theatrical Outfitter’s ▪ 22. Barbarians at the Gate ▪ 23. Next ▪ 24. Better than Death ▪ 25. Sore Thumb ▪ 26. Questions ▪ 27. Nobility ▪ 28. Dark Work ▪ 29. Words and Dust ▪ 30. The Remarkable Talents of Brother Longfoot ▪ 31. Her Kind Fight Everything ▪ 32. She Loves Me ... Not ▪ 33. The Seed ▪ 34. Never Bet Against a Magus ▪ 35. The Ideal Audience ▪ 36. The House of the Maker ▪ 37. Nobody’s Dog ▪ 38. Each Man Worships Himself ▪ 39. Old Friends ▪ 40. Back to the Mud ▪ 41. Misery ▪ 42. The Bloody-Nine ▪ 43. The Tools we Have
Before They Are Hanged

Part 1

▪ 1. The Great Leveler ▪ 2. Best Laid Plans ▪ 3. Questions ▪ 4. The Wounds of the Past ▪ 5. The Condition of the Defences ▪ 6. The Thing About Trust ▪ 7. Allies ▪ 8. Campfire Politics ▪ 9. Small Crimes ▪ 10. Rain ▪ 11. Bloody Company ▪ 12. Long Shadows ▪ 13. And next… My Gold ▪ 14. Fear ▪ 15. One Hundred Words ▪ 16. The Blind Lead the Blind ▪ 17. Prince Ladisla’s Stratagem ▪ 18. Until Sunset ▪ 19. Long Odds ▪ 20. The Road to Victory ▪ 21. Necessary Evils ▪ 22. Among the Stones ▪ 23. The Fruits of Boldness ▪ 24. One for Dinner ▪ 25. One of Them
Before They Are Hanged

Part 2

▪ 26. Heading North ▪ 27. Scant Mercy ▪ 28. So This is Pain ▪ 29. One Step at a Time ▪ 30. The Rest is Wasted Breath ▪ 31. A Matter of Time ▪ 32. Scars ▪ 33. Furious ▪ 34. To the Last Man ▪ 35. Jewel of Cities ▪ 36. Luck ▪ 37. Beneath the Ruins ▪ 38. No Good for Each Other ▪ 39. The Hero’s Welcome ▪ 40. Cold Comfort ▪ 41. The High Places ▪ 42. Coming Over ▪ 43. Cheap at the Price ▪ 44. To the Edge of the World ▪ 45. Before the Storm ▪ 46. Questions ▪ 47. Holding the Line ▪ 48. A Fitting Punishment ▪ 49. The Abode of Stones ▪ 50. Back to the Mud
Last Argument of Kings

Part 1

▪ 1. The Poison Trade ▪ 2. Being Chief ▪ 3. This Noble Business ▪ 4. The New Man ▪ 5. Feeding Time ▪ 6. So Much In Common ▪ 7. Honesty ▪ 8. Ghosts ▪ 9. Bad Debts ▪ 10. A Ragged Multitude ▪ 11. Beloved Of The Moon ▪ 12. Flowers And Plaudits ▪ 13. Too Many Knives ▪ 14. Best Of Enemies ▪ 15. Fortunes Of War ▪ 16. The Kingmaker ▪ 17. The Trap ▪ 18. Horrible Old Men ▪ 19. Prepared For The Worst ▪ 20. The Habit Of Command ▪ 21. The First Day ▪ 22. Such Sweet Sorrow ▪ 23. Picked Up A Shadow ▪ 24. Questions ▪ 25. The Fourth Day ▪ 26. The Perfect Couple ▪ 27. The Seventh Day ▪ 28. Too Many Masters ▪ 29. Sweet Victory ▪ 30. Rude Awakenings
Last Argument of Kings

Part 2

▪ 31. The Number Of The Dead ▪ 32. Leaves On The Water ▪ 33. Authority ▪ 34. The Circle ▪ 35. Greater Good ▪ 36. Skarling’s Chair ▪ 37. Leadership ▪ 38. A Rock And A Hard Place ▪ 39. Charity ▪ 40. Better Left Buried ▪ 41. Tomorrow’s Hero ▪ 42. Nightfall ▪ 43. Questions ▪ 44. The Day Of Judgement ▪ 45. Sacrifices ▪ 46. Open The Box ▪ 47. Dark Paths ▪ 48. Reckoning ▪ 49. After The Rains ▪ 50. Answers ▪ 51. The Wounded ▪ 52. Patriotic Duties ▪ 53. The First Law ▪ 54. Tea And Threats ▪ 55. Behind The Throne ▪ 56. Good Men, Evil Men ▪ 57. Not What You Wanted ▪ 58. Loose Ends ▪ 59. The Beginning
Best Served Cold ▪ 1. Benna Murcatto Saves a Life ▪ 2. PART I: TALINS ▪ 3. Talins Chapters 1 ▪ 4. Talins Chapters 2 ▪ 5. Talins Chapters 3 ▪ 6. PART II: WESTPORT ▪ 7. Westport Chapters 1 ▪ 8. Westport Chapters 2 ▪ 9. Westport Chapters 3 ▪ 10. Westport Chapters 4 ▪ 11. PART III: SIPANI ▪ 12. Sipani Chapters 1 ▪ 13. Sipani Chapters 2 ▪ 14. Sipani Chapters 3 ▪ 15. Sipani Chapters 4 ▪ 16. PART IV: VISSERINE ▪ 17. Visserine Chapters 1 ▪ 18. Visserine Chapters 2 ▪ 19. Visserine Chapters 3 ▪ 20. Visserine Chapters 4 ▪ 21. Visserine Chapters 5 ▪ 22. Visserine Chapters 6 ▪ 23. PART V: PURANTI ▪ 24. Puranti Chapters 1 ▪ 25. Puranti Chapters 2 ▪ 26. Puranti Chapters 3 ▪ 27. Puranti Chapters 4 ▪ 28. Puranti Chapters 5 ▪ 29. PART VI: OSPRIA ▪ 30. Ospria Chapters 1 ▪ 31. Ospria Chapters 2 ▪ 32. Ospria Chapters 3 ▪ 33. Ospria Chapters 4 ▪ 34. PART VII: TALINS ▪ 35. Talins Again Chapters 1 ▪ 36. Talins Again Chapters 2 ▪ 37. Talins Again Chapters 3 ▪ 38. Talins Again Chapters 4 ▪ 39. Talins Again Chapters 5